If you're thinking of adding a fence or retaining wall to your residential or commercial property, here are few things you should know!
1. A Plot Plan must be submitted - showing an accurate drawing for the size, shape and dimensions of the lot that the fence or wall will be built on. Be sure to indicate where the fence/wall is to be located.
- Two copies are required for residential fencing
- Three copies are required for retaining or rockery walls
- Five copies are required for commercial fencing
- Height of the fence/wall and materials must be included in the plan
3. Exemptions
- Fences used for landscaping that are less than 30" in height are exempt from a building permit if not located within the sight triangle.
- You may replace up to 100 linear feet of fence boards from damaged fence without a building permit. It must be similar fencing and in the exact same location.
- If your lot includes more than one acre of land, the Development Code allows agricultural uses of the land and if you use strictly range fencing (t-bar and wire only), you DO NOT need a fence permit. If, however, you use wood or any other type of materials, you are then required to obtain a building permit.
Composite decking is not structural material--so the rails will have to be made from something else.
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