If you're planning to replace a window or door, there are several steps to ensure you have the necessary paperwork and permits to get the job done right!
1. Permit application, signed & notarized by the owner and contractor
2. If permit is by homeowner, submit: INSTRUCTIONS OWNER- BUILDER
3. If permit is by contractor, submit: WORKMAN’S COMP and COPY OF CONTRACT
4. Schematic layout of the house and or building showing the room names and size, showing all
new windows and doors as follows:
a) Indicate the size of the windows and or doors; indicate “2” for double window in the same
b) The product approval number of each window and / or door at their location.
c) If mullions are to be used between double windows indicate the cross section (1”x3”, 2”x4”) etc.
5. Show a front view (elevation) of each exterior wall which will have windows and, or doors replaced, show all windows and, or doors in their approximate location and the roof mean height, a note will be acceptable. Also, with floor plan showing each window numbered, a list of all windows and their height of egress window opening from interior finished floor.
6. Indicate the wind load pressures at each opening.
7. A letter of authorization from the panel manufacturer indicating the site where
the panels are to be installed and the installer authorized.
8. Shutter permit is required if the new windows and sidelights on doors are not impact resistant.
9. Any windows in habitable rooms (bedrooms) that do not have an exterior door or another egress window must meet the egress requirements of the F.B.C. Include height of opening from finished floor (Max. 44”) and minimum 5.0 sq. ft. opening (1st floor) & 5.7 sq. ft. opening (on 2nd Floor) per F.B.C. (R310.1.1)
10. Two sets of current legible Product Approval Notice of Acceptance of each window or mullion used, 11 x 17, highlight doors or windows being used
11. A statement by the owner, as follows, signed and notarized.